Smart Nostro

SMART-NOSTRO is a Real Time automated Nostro, Vostro and Internal Accounts Reconciliation System.

Is this what you need ?

  • Simple connectivity to all of types of host systems .
  • Automate the mundane and repetitive tasks associated with reconciliation and matching.
  • Concentrate on Exception Processing.
  • Detect errors sooner and highlight potential problem situations.
  • Better control work-flow, and have detailed management information available at all levels.
  • Complete on-line audit trail for speedy resolution of all queries,

Summary of Nostro™ capabilities

  • Real-time interfacing and data-capture ensures on-line information is fully up-to-date.
  • Full context sensitive on-line Help facilities available to all users.
  • Selection windows on all input fields and extensive “hot-key” gateways across facilities.
  • Tightly controlled security access with all user actions logged as part of the system audit trail.
  • Fully parameterised matching qualities ensure all required details are checked.
  • Automated follow-up generation with standard message templates and key-word inserts.
  • Full cross-reference search and enquiry facilities.
  • Instant on-line proof-balance calculation of individual account holdings.
  • Comprehensive period-end and ad hoc Management Information reporting.

Further background information.

Data Input

The reconciliation is typically based on SWIFT Statement messages:

  • MT940 - Customer Statement
  • MT950 - Statement
  • MT970 - Netting Statement
  • Accounting data from any Host Accounting System..

Data can be automatically transferred and captured by SMART-NOSTRO in order to ensure Real Time operation.

A full range of manual input capabilities is also available, allowing the input of Statement Pages not captured automatically.

Reporting and Management Information

A wide range of standard reports is available within SMART-NOSTRO. Reports such as:

  • Input Summary for Ledger / Statement,
  • Matches Offered,
  • Matches with Value Date Differences.
  • Matches Confirmed
  • Outstanding Items.
  • Proof Balances etc. are available on demand.

The system also supplies Statistical Reports such as:

  • Turnover.
  • Matching Quality.
  • Follow-Up etc.
  • for Management Information.

All facilities for the generation and production of reports are screen-based, allowing total user flexibility.

Sophisticated Item Matching Capabilities

Matching qualities for each message type are user-defined by specifying the fields that must agree. These qualities may be system-wide or correspondent specific.

SMART-NOSTRO uses these qualities to determine whether a match should be automatically CONFIRMED as acceptable, or OFFERED to the users for review. Matches can be

  • Statement to Ledger(s),
  • Ledger to Ledger.
  • or items within a Ledger.

Matches may consist of: one item against one item, or multiple items, i.e. one against many (up to 99,999), or even many against many.

Special facilities are also available to fine-tune and continually improve the Automatic Reconciliation Rates:


Allows the set up of Synonyms to references sub-fields 7, 8, 9 of field 61. The user is able to specify a number of different references that can match to one specific reference. Synonyms can be defined as a sub-string of any of the three references in an item.

Alternative References

Allows the user to tell SMART-NOSTRO to match one part of a reference to another, e.g. if an internal reference is “950615ABC123” and you generally receive only a partial reference of "ABC123" from your correspondent, then this can be automatically matched.

Search and Enquiry Facilities

Records are held on-line in their original complete "statement" format, with “drill-down” facilities for either viewing individual pages, or the full details of individual items.

The details of all individual records and matches, complete with full audit trail, can be viewed at any time.

“Outstanding” unmatched items may be viewed on the screen or printed, with full scrolling facilities for easy user scanning and selection.

Fast, screen-based parameter searching with tolerances is available, using all major item fields as search criteria, allowing complete flexibility for any ad-hoc enquiry requirements.

After a user-defined time period, data may be archived, complete with full audit trail, including copies of all relevant follow-up messages and match details.

Work Queues

All records and matched items within the system are held in work queues for ease of user access and processing.

SMART-NOSTRO is totally multi-user in terms of access to these work queues.

Optional SMART-RESOLVE module

As part of an enquiry, users can open an investigation folder directly from SMART-NOSTRO into the SMART-RESOLVE module.

Any platform

No restriction on hardware platform or operating environment

Open-Systems environment means system can easily be migrated from one hardware platform to another, changes in IT strategy are not a problem.

Easy to Install

Installation (complete with system set-up and training) for SMART-NOSTRO can typically be accomplished in one week.

Installed system can be easily expanded

Full range of upgrades available, to allow additional SMART modules to be added to the system when required.

No restriction on system sizing

Any size system can be configured, from single workstation up to fully networked, multi-user global installation.


Each SMART solution is individually configured to suit the customer’s specific requirements

Whether the system is required for just Nostro Reconciliation, or for other message matching and reconciliation functions, you get the most efficient system for your needs.